Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Cubicle Sweet Cubicle located?

You can find us at 208 Southway Blvd East in Kokomo, IN. Located at the Old Marsh Supermarket (next to the BMV building)

How far are you from downtown Kokomo, IN?

Not far at all! Our facility is only 3 miles from downtown Kokomo. That’s just a 7-minute drive via S Washington St.

Do you serve any other neighborhoods?

We sure do. Thanks to our accessible location, Cubicle Sweet Cubicle is also popular throughout Greentown, Russiaville, Tipton, Sharpsville, Galveston, Burlington, Walton, Peru, Logansport, and Flora.

When are your access times?

24 hours a day.

Do you have drive-in access?

We do. Thanks to our roomy facility, you can drive your vehicle inside the faclity to unload items and take to direcly to your unit. Never have to unload or pick up items outside again!

What security features do you have?

Cubicle Sweet Cubicle features high-tech surveillance cameras to protect both our tenants and their belongings 24 hours a day

What’s the best way to pay my bill?

The easiest way is our online payment system. All you need is internet access and a credit card.

What if I’m storing bulky or heavy items?

No problem! Feel free to borrow our handcarts. They make short work of even the heaviest boxes.

How do I get started?

Simply visit our Unit Prices page online and choose your size then follow the steps!